Great Spirit Path Stone Poem - Wrinkle 8

The Great Spirit Path is called a stone poem. Find it by the San Francisco bay in Bayfront Park at the Marsh Road exit from Highway 101 in Menlo Park, California. Be careful not to take a right turn after the exit, or you will be on the Dunbarton Bridge over the bay. Instead, go straight through the traffic lights into the park. See wetlands being reclaimed from the hills that for many years were a garbage dump. On the many trails, people run, walk, and ride bikes, enjoying gusty winds.

At the beginning of the stone poem path, take a brochure that tells how the author/artist S.C. Dunlap got the idea, wrote the poem, and clustered the rocks, from 1981 to 1985. There are 53 clusters, one for each word clump in the poem. The poem begins at the west edge of the park and progresses to the east. The biggest and last is "to the Great Spirit everywhere". You enter the medicine wheel of rocks from an opening in the west.

The view in the first picture is looking NE by E from the middle of the wheel. The map shows the stones. The yellow pointer shows the direction you are looking, where north is at the top of the map. So east is to the right, south is the bottom, and west is to the left. Use the wheel as a sun dial. At noon, shadows point north. The first picture is about 1:30 p.m.

There are 24 stones in the outer semi-circle or arc, 7 stones in the middle arc, and 12 stones in the inner arc. The large central stone is flanked with four stones pointing in the directions: N, E, S, and W. Here are various views in QuickTime movies, QTVRs, and images.

Walking around the outside of the wheel, looking in:

Standing in the middle of the wheel, looking out: center stepLooking down at the middle of the wheel:

For a vision quest at the Great Spirit Path, see the Wrinkle 8 pages. The wrinkle event celebrates the September 1999 equinox.

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