Horizontal <-> Vertiical inverse HTML5 VR interactive movie page Click to see the HTML5 page inverse color version of this interactive movie.

Art in Silicon Valley - computer signal

verticalInside a computer dwell Colored Light Beings (CLBs) that take care of the electronic signals. Here are two of them (see the dots, which are yellow in the movie and inversely dark blue in the image details).

horizontalThe CLBs translate vertical into horizontal directions, and the reverse. Without CLBs, signals would pass straight on through, whether up, down, left, right, back, forth, or any other way. CLBs are the master vector spirits that ensure signals repeat enough to filter through our senses and mental landscapes to reach awareness. We honor the CLBs.

What do you think of this simple movie? Is it just a quick way to get something for View 2000 November because the elaborate photographic stitching project failed? Or does the simple gesture capture the essence of a fleeting moment as a QuickTime joy forever? Note, in 2017 using Pano2VR software, converted the .mov to HTML5 version. To spin around, click/drag/hold or use keyboard arrow keys. To zoom in and out, use Shift and Option (Alt) keys.


Obsolete QuickTime and Flash versions included for historical value.

Click and drag the image to rotate 360 degrees,
press control or shift key to zoom in and out

<img src="../../../../Access/path/images/pathImmerseSm.jpg" width=35 height=36 usemap="#pathImmerseSm" border=0> You need get QT 4 QuickTime to the QTVR movie. See immersive imaging for help, info, and all other immersive imaging, including QuickTime movies, at Wholeo Online.

<img src="../../../../Access/path/images/12Y2k/pathImrsY2k4.gif" width=66 height=66 usemap="#pathImrsY2k4" border=0 align=left> The Computer Signal is part of View2000. It is a project to document each month of the year 2000 in QTVR movies. It is a QTVR-a-month by producers around the world. This is November, month 11. Traverse the calendar.

You need get Flash Flash to see the View 2000 badge.

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