Moonlight Bathers

Moonlight Bathers by Carol Hoorn Fraser

When do startling things start? I believe it is when John Fraser sits down at his new internet computer, hang-glides onto the web, and does a search for his dear, departed partner, "Carol Hoorn Fraser". He finds this page (my first one for Carol). At that time I have no picture of this painting. This is the long-lost, but still cherished in memory, Moonlight Bathers. For a smaller image, see this alternate page (or resizable).

John writes to me, saying that the painting is not completely lost because it still exists as a slide. He sends the slide to me; I scan and publish it on the web. Here it is. What a thrill.

The painting is about 4' x 6'. Big enough to be in. Oil paint on linen canvas. Tranparent glazes flow with thick impasto strokes to conjure up the night, the moon, and the two people.

This is one of the earliest of the couple, side by side, that pose and inspire Carol's paintings right up to the end. Remember Grant Wood's painting of the farmer with a pitchfork in one hand and his wife on the other hand? The couple is in that tradition, which goes back through antiquity.

The paint, light, and feeling, however, is abstract expressionist, which was a tradition in-the-making at the time of this painting. That is, 1957 or at the latest, 1961.

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